Monday, January 31, 2011

Brown Rice with Lentils and Apricots

Yesterday was my first full day at home, and since we had eaten out after I was picked up at the airport, the first day to act on my commitment to cooking good meals. After sleeping in until almost noon and reading the Sunday Times until 2, I launched into action. Upon opening the refrigerator door, however, I was confronted with a shocking barrenness. The same was true of the cupboards and pantry. True, it was the end of the week, but Dan assured me that this was typical. My first move, therefore, was to the grocery store - my father's credit card in my pocket. (Have you finished up my food stamps yet, Rabi?)

Back from the store, I wasted no time in beginning the night's dish: Brown Rice with Lentils and Apricots. It comes from Mark Bittman, obviously. The beauty of brown rice and lentils, as Bittman is the first to point out, is that they take around the same length of time to cook and can be done together in the same pot (with a bay leaf, salt and pepper, and a teaspoon wine vinegar). It will take between 30 and 45 minutes - more than enough time to prepare the other ingredients: a medium onion, chopped; and half a cup of diced dried apricots or other dried fruit.

When the lentils and rice neared completion, I heated a tablespoon olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat and added the onion. After it had softened, I threw in the apricots and a quarter of a cup of water, brought it to a simmer, and removed it from heat.

I then put a large skillet over medium heat, added another couple tablespoons of olive oil, and spooned in the lentils and rice - now fully cooked and all the water absorbed. After a few minutes, the onions/apricots followed, to cook for a minute or so. Put it on the table (still in the skillet - no need for ceremony) with a lovely salad.

The result was a wholly enjoyable, healthful dish, although by no means very exciting. Dad was not at home for dinner, but Dan pronounced it good. Tonight I believe I will try something even easier, but hopefully more crowd-pleasing.

There. I blogged about cooking. Now when will Meryl Streep be playing me in a movie?

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