Thursday, February 3, 2011

My First Meal at the Birdhouse

So, I guess this is my first blog post on the new blog. Exciting! Last night, after Yoga, Sarah, Kelsey and I whipped up some lentil soup. The recipe can be found here: It had carrots, tomatoes and spinach. Yum. Natalia, it's dairy free, gluten free...actually our whole meal was. We paired the soup with coconut milk sticky rice topped with chopped apples and a salad. The sticky rice was completely amazing. There are lots of recipes out there, and we adapted one to fit our needs. We used 1 can of coconut milk, half an apple, 1 3/4 cups rice (we used sushi rice, but it can be any kind). We cooked the rice with the appropriate amount of water and then added the can of coconut milk to the cooked rice. When the dish was ready to serve we topped it with the chopped apples. We ate under a dimmed overhead light with the candles lit and some nice classical background music playing in the Bose stereo. I think I like the birdhouse. The heated floors are the icing on the cake. Sarah and Kelsey topped off their meal with some batter that was going to be used as truffle ingredients. Kelsey could tell you more about this than I can. It looks pretty next to the candles though. Gabe, cous cous actually has gluten in it, since it's made from wheat. That soup sounds good though. I subscribed to that food blog, thanks for the tip!


  1. Thanks for the correction, Rabi. I should've checked my facts before posting. Your photos are terrific! They're really taking the blog to a new level.

  2. With all respect to Rabi, do you really think he took those photos, Gabe?

  3. Well, kind of, because it's his post and he seems to have an interest in photography. But I guess it's possible that I'm wrong. I've been wrong once or twice before (see above).

    On another note, the Super Bowl is this Sunday, and I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite dish they like to make for the game. I'd like to make guacamole. Who has a good guacamole recipe?

  4. Thanks for the props Gabe. Sarah took the pictures with her awesome camera and then gave them to me (she's so nice). No offense taken Kelsey : )

    I like to make a simple guacamole with salsa, salt and lime juice (and avocado of course). We'll be skiing and making a pie during the Superbowl today, but you should let us know your favorite commercials for watching later on youtube : )
